Where to start???

Well, I decided to start this blog about 2 things in my life that I love and hate. I love cooking, traveling the roads on my motorcycle throughout the Eastern Canada/United States region and traveling. What do i hate? I hate how overweight I am. I am 51 years old and finally this year, I have decided to do something about it. I joined Weight Watchers on January 6, 2010. I weighed 304 pounds! Even I never thought I was that heavy! I was, and still am, disgusted with myself. How did I get here? Well, that's part of what i will be exploring with this blog. So, I am starting out on another journey. This time however, it will not be bike travels on twisty roads, with the wind in my face and pure joy and excitement but rather a road that will be much harder to travel, but hopefully with rewards and accomplishments along the way. So, I am starting this blog a bit late but better late than never. Plus, I am at the point where I have been successful so far but am in need of a little more motivation. I say more motivation because, well, I guess I should have enough motivations already (and I will list them in a later post) but I guess I am feeling a bit stagnat.

My Bike

My Bike
2009 Suzuki M90

Friday, April 9, 2010


I paid for a bad week the previous week to this week. Follow me? Last week I lost 2 pounds at my WW weigh in. And I was a bit suprised. In fact, more than a little suprised. So, this week I was doing pretty good (or so I thought) but come weigh in time, I was up 2 pounds. 2 pounds!

Part of me was expecting this at some time. And god knows I've not exactly been counting points and doing ALL the good things I'm supposed to do. But part of me was...I don't know, Hoping my trend would continue.

I felt embarrassed, disgusted, mad, you name it. But I also realize this is a journey I am on. It will have peaks and valleys. Geez, it's like I have multiple personalities when I see what I'm writing here. So, I'm using this as a bit of a reality check. Weight goes on sooooo easily but it's so damn hard to get it off.

The struggle continues...

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