Okay, different than a weight loss goal. I am worried I am becoming too obsessed with weight and will drive everyone around me crazy!!!
Nope, this one is a completely personal achievement. I'd like to walk 100 miles this month. I've already walked 72.5 miles. Wasn't something I started out thinking but it's been niggling in the back of my head for a week or so now. So, let's see, 6 days left, and 18 miles to go, should be do-able!
I'll keep you posted!
**New Note:** As I was on my walk today I got to thinking my math was wrong. Yep, I'd have to do 28 miles in 6 days. And i know that's too much. So, I decided to go for a more realistic goal. 86 miles. Why 86? Because that's double what I did in February! Anything past that is a bonus.
By the way, just did 5.35 miles at lunch! Took me an hour and 35 minutes but I work a lot longer than I get paid for a lot of days so i don't begrudge taking the extra time.
Stella Virgin
2 years ago
That's a great NSV!!! Wishing you the best of luck achieving it!