Well, after a not so great week, I did manage to lose 1 pound. How I did that I'm not sure. Must be the walking! My weakness....peanut butter. I love it on Caramel Chocolate Chip Rice Cakes. So, what happens is I get home famished, and snack. I know I shouldn't but I can't seem to stop myself. Then I hate myself and so I have another one! It's a vicious cycle I have been doing my whole life. I have to learn a way to control this. Or I'll be unhealthy, unhappy and fighting with this forever.
Any ideas????
Stella Virgin
2 years ago
You're still just starting out hon, easiest way to end it? Get rid of it! It's not all that unhealthy a snack in theory, but I know that circle. I've guiltily eaten my way through ice cream, nachos, granola bars, etc in a single night. If it's not in the house, it's not an option.